I got this great idea to make these streetlamps from my friend's husband, who had made some a few years ago for a dance, but they had been so abused that he tossed them out. My father-in-law was in town to watch our children while we were in Paris, so he helped me (translation: he did all of it himself)
We used PVC pipe sunk in cinder block that was filled with concrete for the base and pole, and then my husband used foam insulation from Lowe's to construct the lamps on top. Father-in-law fitted them with lights, and the cord came down the middle of the pipe and then plugged into extension cords. We painted them black.
That's London Bridge over the door in the background - made out of 2 sheets of foam insulation as well.
We also used a left over aluminum pipe gate as a prop, standing it up in the dirt with a sign that read "Workhouse: Home for Paupers & Orphans" It turned out pretty neat for very little work.
E was adorable as one of Fagan's boys. Here she is in her costume - for some reason I don't have any shots of her the night of the play.