with everyone home from school and most of our various activities cancelled, i was able to work on the dollhouse a lot over the last few weeks. it was my escape from the 6 extra people around all day.

baseboards and windows in the dining room, as well as paper on the ceiling.

wallpapered the master bedroom, and made a cute linen upholstered headboard.

made this cute garden stool, and another just like it in fuschia. i got the idea from

there's that other stool, and the wallpaper and shelves in the niche in the master bedroom. it was supposed to be the closet, but since there will be no dolls living here, there is no need for clothes storage. i also made that adorable mirror (from
warmhotchocolate's tutorial)out of toothpicks.

my favorite piece, the dining room table. this is actually the second round of this design, the first one was a little short for the ghost chairs (which are not really 1:12 scale, they are a little larger). i LOVE the way it turned out, just deciding on a paint color/stain.

oh yeah, the fireplace. i made this very modern looking concrete fireplace to contrast with the very traditional architecture of the living room, but i'm not sure i love it.
also, note that i added links to some of my favorite mini blogs on the sidebar, in case anyone's looking for some awesome dollhouses.